Back on Track

Space for the reintegration of youth into education or employment

In 2021, 13.1% of young people aged 15-29 were classified as NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) across Europe. The “Back On Track” project therefore supports young people in reintegrating into the education and/or labor market. The path to employment or (vocational) training involves career planning and digital training or support methods – so that young people can pursue careers that fulfill them and secure their future.

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About Back on Track: All Information about the Project

Project content

During the project period from 01/2024 to 06/2026, together with with 13 project partners we are developing:

  • An outreach strategy to reach NEETs in rural areas
  • A mentoring pilot program for NEETs for tailored integration support
  • A Train the Mentor program for stakeholders
  • A digital course to strengthen the skills of rural NEETs
  • A curriculum & workshops for self-management and mental well-being
  • A career guide and a virtual career fair
  • Tailored educational content for social media

Target audience

The Back On Track project targets:

  • Youth NEETs in rural areas
  • Local and regional labour market relevant authorities such as AMS
  • Social and socio-economic institutions
  • NGOs
  • Educational institutions

Project goals

The aim of the project is to empower NEETs in rural areas and to offer them regional development opportunities and career options. To achieve this, networks, outreach strategies, mentoring programs, and digital training models are being developed. The “Back on Track” project contributes to achieving an EU goal: reducing the NEET rate from 13% to 9%.

Achieving more together

Back On Track is made possible through an 80% funding of the 2,473,611 Euro project budget from the Interreg Danube Region Programme. Partners involved in the implementation are:

  • Austrian Young Workers Movement (Austria)
  • South Muntenia Regional Development Agency (Romania)
  • ADEL Slovakia (Slovakia)
  • DEX Innovation centre (Czech Republic)
  • Development Association NERDA (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Pannon Novum West-Transdanubian Regional Innovation Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
  • Philanthropy, Charitable Foundation of the Serbian Orthodox Church (Serbia)
  • Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities PRIZMA, an Institution (Slovenia)
  • Human Innovation Group Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
  • YES Forum EWIV – Youth and European Social Work Forum (Germany)
  • Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency (Bulgaria)
  • Ministry of Economy of Tuzla Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (Serbia)

Read more about the project on the official website of Interreg Danube Region

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Contact person

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DI Cornelia Kramsall

International Projects