TechAK – Technische Akademie für den Automobilcluster in Serbien
Room for regional and personal development
Access to higher qualifications and better opportunities in the job market always sets the stage for two goals: It enhances the well-being of local people and contributes to the economic and social development of a region. Based on this foundation, the Technical Academy (TechAK) for the Serbian automotive cluster was established – funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) – in close collaboration with regional companies. This made it possible to provide the local population with precisely this access to higher qualifications and better opportunities in the job market. Ensuring that every person has a job.
About TechAK: All Information about the project
Project contents
During the project period from July 1, 2017 to February 29, 2020, we worked on the development of TechAK on behalf of the Burgenland Institute for vocational promotion:
- Development of a business plan for the training center, including a long-term financing model
- Development of a blended learning curriculum for the automotive industry
- Technical training in areas such as quality management, logistics, product planning, basics of electronics, and vehicle upholstery
- Provision of business knowledge in areas such as cost management and controlling
- Competency development in communication and conflict management areas
Target audience
Employees in the automotive industry as well as unemployed individuals in Niš.
Project goals
The project objective of the ADA TechAK project in Serbia was to advance regional economic development and reduce local unemployment.
Achieving more together
TechAK was made possible through funding from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Partners involved in the implementation were:
- Burgenland Institute for vocational promotion (AT) as the lead applicant
- Callidus obrazovanje d.o.o. (HR)
- Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Serbia (SR)
- Weidinger & Partner Wirtschaftstraining und Organisationsentwicklung GmbH (AT)
founded by
Austrian Development Agency (ADA)